Kurz & Knapp: How *Not* to Write your PhD


Tara Brabazon von der University of Brighton hat eine Liste der 10 Dinge zusammengestellt, die ihr tunlichst unterlassen solltet, wenn ihr eine gute Diss schreiben wollt:

  1. Submit an incomplete, poorly formatted bibliography
  2. Use phrases such as “some academics” or “all the literature” without mitigating statements or references
  3. Write an abstract without a sentence starting “my original contribution to knowledge is…”
  4. Fill the bibliography with references to blogs, online journalism and textbooks
  5. Use discourse, ideology, signifier, signified, interpellation, postmodernism, structuralism, post-structuralism or deconstruction without reading the complete works of Foucault, Althusser, Saussure, Baudrillard or Derrida
  6. Assume something you are doing is new because you have not read enough to know that an academic wrote a book on it 20 years ago
  7. Leave spelling mistakes in the script
  8. Make the topic of the thesis too large
  9. Write a short, rushed, basic exegesis
  10. Submit a PhD with a short introduction or conclusion

Details zu den einzelnen Punkten finden sich in dem verlinkten, sehr lesenswerten Artikel.

Viel Erfolg bei der Diss!


ein Kommentar

  1. Sehr schön. Mir fehlt:
    -choose a topic you have only limited interest in just because your supervisor likes it
    – just rewrite your master thesis because you got no better idea

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